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The Wimbledon Hockey Club 

This section provides important documentation and details on our policies and guidelines, as well as those adopted by England Hockey and Sport England.

The Wimbledon Club Charter 

The Wimbledon Club Charter and Bye Laws as revised at Special General Meeting on 23rd November 2020

The Wimbledon Club Privacy and Data Protection Policies 

All information given by our members is kept confidential and only given to those who need to know it as per the statements below.

The Wimbledon Club Codes of Conduct 

The Wimbledon Hockey Club has specific standards that we expect of all players, coaches, volunteers and others involved our club.

Safe Guarding Young people in hockey

We have Safe Guarding Policy and Codes of Conducts which all players, coaches, managers and parents are directed to read and use as reference for any issues that might be of concern. 


All Safeguarding issues and concerns should be directed to Wimbledon Hockey Club’s Safeguarding Officer, Jenny Walker who can be contacted on 


Safety Guidelines and Accident Reporting 

We take safety seriously at The Wimbledon Hockey Club, all health and safety issues and concerns should be directed to Julie Adams who can be contacted on .


All accidents which require one or more of the following MUST be reported to both Wimbledon Hockey Club and England Hockey which can be done via the online form on the button below:

  • Treatment from a first aid specialist (e.g. Team doctor/ first responder)

  • Hospital treatment

  • Subsequent visit(s) to a GP

Guidelines for Coaches 

We take safety seriously at The Wimbledon Hockey Club, all health and safety issues and concerns should be directed to Julie Adams who can be contacted on 

Equality Policy

The club is committed to ensuring that equality is incorporated across all aspects of its development by adopting the following Sport England definition of sports equality found on the button below.


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